Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Sabrina is here!

Yep - she's finally here, and we finally named her.

Things progressed sort of slowly and she got an epidural at around 10:30. Dr. Beck finally came in at 12:40 and broke her water, and things went very quickly after that. 30 minutes later she was dialated to a 10 and she was ready to push. It didn't take long.

Sabrina entered the world at 1:28 PM - she weighed in at 8 lbs. 8 oz. and came in at just shy of 20 inches in length. And she has a pair of lungs on her too. We found that out in a hurry - which was probably the one and only time we'll be really happy to hear her cry.

Everyone is healthy and happy and doing just fine.

Some pictures from day one (click on the images for a larger version):

Here is Marci just before we went to the hospital. Maximum belly extension!

The happy mother - this is about 2 minutes after the birth.

The proud daddy - about 10 minutes after birth.

All cleaned up! (I won't show you any of the shots of her before she got all cleaned off.)

Marci finally holds Sabrina after she's been all cleaned up.

Caleb is clearly happy to have his baby sister here.

Gavin couldn't wait to see his sister. He climbed right up onto the cart to get a look.

Look at those feet!

There are eyes in there - she actually had them open quite a bit, I just didn't get a good picture of her.

Sabrina is clearly tired after the move.

When she fell asleep - she really fell asleep. Nothing we could do would wake her up. But that's a good thing, both mommy and baby could use a good sleep.

More later.