Thursday, January 27, 2005

Holy Crap!

Gavin just got back from the doctor for his 4 month check-up; dude thundered in at 18 lbs., 26.5 inches long. That puts him in the 90th percentile for both.

He's a growing boy.

Baseball - or something similar

Again, it's the form that counts.

Dig the form

Not that you're supposed to when you're putting - but look at the form for that swing.

Kid's a minature golf monster.

Get that ball!

I've been publishing lots of pics of Gavin lately, so I thought I'd include a few of Caleb and what he's been up to recently.

Soccer is over, but during the season we managed to score 3 goals. One was even for our team. Go Mighty Monsters!

Blessing Gavin

We recently blessed Gavin. We did it right after Christmas, mainly because all of the family was here for both mine and Marci's family.

We had so many people that we eventually decided to just have myself and the two grandfathers in the prayer circle. It was really nice to have everyone in the same place at the same time. We then went over to Kathy's (Marci's mom) house for dinner and dessert.

Back at ya' buddy!

Currently we're slightly past the "Look! I've discovered my tongue!" stage - but not by much. Now Gavin is sort of in the I'm-figuring-out-how-to-roll-over-but-then-I-get-stuck-and-don't-like-it stage. Good times.